School News

Cooke School Thanks Our Students

- Feb 27, 2018      Archive

Cooke Real Estate School's staff and instructors very much appreciate the wonderful Testimonials students have voluntarily submitted to the school over the years. Currently there are 358 testimonials on our website. You can read them under the Testimonial link.

We also want to thank students for taking the time to complete course evaluations. The evaluations are very helpful to determine what the school needs to do to improve. Over the many years we have been providing online video streaming courses, where there is always a need to improve with the advancements of technology and valuable learning tools. Course development is always a "work in progress" with continuing effort to improve our courses is a constant effort.

When you realize that online real estate license courses have really not been around very long, only about 15 years at this point, an exciting future is ahead. As we continue to improve and as more students navigate to online education, there are lots of possibilities for new and improved formats and learning tools

What will an online course look like in the next 20 - 30 years? With students' input the potential is very exciting.

Frank Cooke